About Me

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I am a horror and fantasy writer who also does proofreading on the side. For the longest time, I was known by a pseudonym, "Reyanna" (or just "R,") Vance. I decided to use my real name for my writing in May 2010 because I was tired of being known for a name that was not mine. If you want to know more about this, including WHY I used a pseudonym in the first place, visit my website and see the FAQ page. My vampire horror/erotica book, "Dead Seed," is a number one best seller in the horror category on Lulu.com. It remains in the top three today. All of my books are available on Lulu, Amazon, and Kindle. For more information visit my official website: rvances.com or myspace page: myspace.com/r.vance. If you are interested in my proofreading services, please visit my other myspace page: myspace.com/s.hogan.proofreading. Thank you and have a wonderful stay! Read my blog, sign up and comment! I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Newest Vampire Book

I've been working on a book that's a little different from the other two vampire books I've written (Dead Seed and Dementia). It's called "Table Rock's Vampire," and that's the third title it's been given since I started it. It's different from the others because it has very little horror, torture and violence in it. There is sex, but it's nowhere near as graphic or frequent as it is in "Dead Seed."

TRV is mostly dry humor and drama (not the Soap Opera kind of drama), with a little bit of action--well, maybe a lot, it's not finished yet and who knows what I might do. I'm very proud of it so far at 16,000 + words. I hope it continues to impress me. I'm in love with my main character, Ian MacKay; he's awesome (hope that doesn't make me conceited). I think this book will be good for those who are tired of the same old violence and gore, and sexy and romantic vampire books out there.

My vampire also has an interesting background, but you'll have to read the book to find out what it is ;-)

I may post a sample chapter soon, so bookmark this page and check back. Hell, bookmark it anyway because I intend on posting short stories and weird/crazy dreams on here.

Love to everyone except those I hate,

R. Vance

p.s. I'm thinking of ditching the pseudonym and sticking with my real name from now on. What do you all think?

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