About Me

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I am a horror and fantasy writer who also does proofreading on the side. For the longest time, I was known by a pseudonym, "Reyanna" (or just "R,") Vance. I decided to use my real name for my writing in May 2010 because I was tired of being known for a name that was not mine. If you want to know more about this, including WHY I used a pseudonym in the first place, visit my website and see the FAQ page. My vampire horror/erotica book, "Dead Seed," is a number one best seller in the horror category on Lulu.com. It remains in the top three today. All of my books are available on Lulu, Amazon, and Kindle. For more information visit my official website: rvances.com or myspace page: myspace.com/r.vance. If you are interested in my proofreading services, please visit my other myspace page: myspace.com/s.hogan.proofreading. Thank you and have a wonderful stay! Read my blog, sign up and comment! I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, June 14, 2010

An Update

Well as most of you know already, I have changed my writing name to my real name, "Sara Vance-Hogan." I was tired of being known for a name that's not mine. If you want to know more, why I started writing with a pseudonym to begin with, please see the FAQ section of my website: rvances.com

I'm having to keep an eye on the weather today because now we have flooding in my area. Nothing extreme in my exact location, but it's all around me. People are having to be rescued with boats and whatnot. Crazy stuff.

As for my writing, I am still working on the sequel to "Dies Irae" and 2 other books. One is a vampire book that's adventurous with dry humor, and the other is a paranormal/supernatural type (I'm going to try my hand at a haunted house setting that was inspired by a dream). I'm about 2/3 of the way finished with the first rough draft of the "Dies Irae" sequel, which still needs to be named D:

I'm applying for jobs again (yay, back to retail -.-) thanks to some old debts from my husband that have come back to bite us in the ass. I'll be working again at least until those debts are paid off, which will be about a year or so. So, wish me luck and pray that the job I get will not be too stressful and that I'll like it :-)

Welp, that's about it. Not much of a blog, I know. Hopefully I'll have a better, more exciting update soon!